Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. As we are nearing the conclusion of the liturgical year the Gospel writer Mark presents the account of the poor widow whom the Lord Jesus holds up as a sign of faith. Likewise a poor widow gains the attention of the Prophet Elijah in today’s Old Testament reading. A widow during Scriptural times was in a very precarious situation depending upon the protection and generosity of her nearest relatives. Her state in life was unprotected by society and most widows fell victim to forces which inflicted poverty and suffering.
The widows in today’s scriptural texts put aside their own needs and respond generously when called upon. Taking a chance that their needs will be provided for by God they let go of what little they have and place it at the service of God. The Lord sees their faith and responds with assurances of divine care. Their offering is most pleasing to God!
In the reading from the Letter to the Hebrews we are reminded that the Lord Jesus, our high priest, has offered Himself as the most perfect gift to the Father. This holy offering has taken away our sins and has brought salvation to those who look to Him as the source of eternal life. This is the great gift we receive from Him who offered Himself on the Cross for our deliverance.
The generosity of the Lord Jesus and the generosity of the widows in today’s scriptural readings invite us to consider our own ability to let go of the things we possess so that they may be placed at the service of God. In order to do this we must have FAITH, if this is lacking we will be unable to follow in the example of Jesus and the widows. They teach us how to abandon ourselves into God’s hands and by doing so assure us that the Lord will provide with more than we can ever imagine.
The Church since its very first days has appealed to her members to be generous and to share. The genuine faith of believers has been the source of the Church’s ability to exist in this material world and to respond with kindness to those who are in need. Our church is always in need of your generosity and I ask that you continue to do all that you can to support the work of the Gospel through your Sunday offerings. I ask you to consider increasing your offerings to the Lord. How many of us respond to the increased cost of the mundane things we really don’t need and yet our gift to God is so poor? How many have increased their Sunday offering after receiving an increase in salary in thanksgiving to God? I think the widows of today’s scriptures show us how to share and offer to God what is ultimately His. PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR SUNDAY OFFERINGS AND THE GIFT YOU GIVE TO GOD!
Thank you for your support and for co-partnering with me in the work of the Gospel. Together let us strive to build up the kingdom of God here so that we may be together one day in the heavenly Jerusalem.
God bless you,
Father Zig
P.S. – Happy “Name Day” to Father Marcin on Wednesday, Feast of Saint Martin of Tours. May the Lord richly bless him!