Today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter as we celebrate the Lord’s Day. In the lection from Acts of the Apostles we read: “Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit. Looked up intently to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God…” The Protomartyr Stephen, like some other Saints, was blessed to catch a glimpse of heaven while still here on earth. Having the awesome opportunity to view heaven and the liturgy which is taking place there is indeed life-giving.
Every time we come into our church we are blessed that we are able to participate in the liturgy which makes God present in our midst. Even though they are invisible to the naked eye, thousands of angels are present with us and joining with us in praising God. With the eyes of faith we can see that our place of worship is sacred, the temple of God.
Our church property is where we meet God and come for meditation. It is a wonderful sign of faith when we provide the best we can for the Lord and His Church. Our church is a source of pride because of our love for Sacred Heart. Our care for Sacred Heart is a responsibility for all the faithful.
Our on-going CHURCH RENOVATION FUND is crucial for the upkeep of Sacred Heart. We have two serious concerns which must be addressed immediately, namely, the replacement of the rectory steps and the rebuilding of the foundation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue on our church lawn. We have no money for either projects but we must act NOW.
I am asking YOU to make a contribution to the church renovation fund. The water jug receptacle located at the Main Street entrance and Keller Street entrance of the church is where you can place your donation. Your check should be made payable to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. I need your help NOW! We cannot allow our church property to fall into disrepair. This is not a good sign of our faith, our love and our care for Christ’s Church. So I ask you, PLEASE MAKE A GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHURCH RENOVATION FUND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It is urgent that you respond with generous and loving hearts as has been the tradition at Sacred Heart.
On MOTHERS DAY WE REMEMBER OUR MOTHER WHO HAS GIVEN US LIFE AND NURTURING. So too, our MOTHER THE CHURCH has given us new life in Christ through Baptism and continually nurtures us through the sacraments. As we show love and care for our mothers we also show love and care for our church, our spiritual mother.
Happy MOTHERS DAY to the mothers of our parish! May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, be your help and inspiration.