We celebrate the Lord’s Day on this the Fourth Sunday of Lent. In the Gospel reading for today we hear the Lord Jesus tell the parable of the Prodigal Son. The Lord Jesus told this story to those who had a problem with MERCY. The parable depicts the mercy God shows to all those who are repentant. His mercy is overwhelming in generosity. This is a wonderful reassurance to all of us as we approach the sacrament of penance during this Lenten season for the forgiveness of our sins.
I invite all of you to join with the parishioners of Saint Cecilia Parish for the annual NOVENA TO SAINT JOSEPH which will be conducted at Saint Cecilia’s. The novena will be said each day at the conclusion of the 8 o’clock Mass (including Sunday) in preparation for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph which is celebrated on March 19th. This year the feast is on a Saturday and this Saturday happens to be the day before Palm Sunday, known as “Lazarus Saturday.” Following Holy Mass on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph we will gather in Hayes Hall for the blessing of the Saint Joseph Table. The donations made at the table will be given to the poor as per tradition. Saint Joseph is a powerful intercessor who stands close to the throne of His (foster) son, Christ our God. I invite you to join me in honoring him who lovingly cared for God’s Only Begotten Son. Surely, he cares for us too!
Next Sunday is the Fifth Sunday of Lent and according to tradition the statues in the church are covered in purple. This is an optional practice according to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal and one which I adhere to in both of our parishes, Sacred Heart and Saint Cecilia. I will share more information in next Sunday’s bulletin regarding this practice.
For me Lent is moving very quickly. I hope that you will receive the sacrament of penance within the remaining days of Lent, if you have not done so. Today’s Gospel is a witness to the Lord’s merciful pardon. So let us approach Him and not be afraid.
I would like to thank the Weber Family for the donation of a new hand carved wooden Crucifix which will be used primarily for veneration on Good Friday. The Cross has been given in memory of the newly-departed, Jeanne Weber. May the Lord grant eternal rest to His departed servant, Jeanne.
I am happy to report that our parish recently received a check from the Diocese for $9,273. This represents the third rebate returned to us as part of the “Partners in Faith” campaign. With these funds I am planning to do the repairs and maintenance which are needed on our parish buildings. These parish funds are available because of those parishioners who are making ongoing payments on the Partners in Faith pledges. I am so grateful to all who are consistent in paying their pledge, and ask any who may have fallen behind to re-commit to their pledge if possible. It is important to the work of the Diocese and our parish. May God bless you for your generosity.