Today we mark the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. In the Responsorial Psalm we sing, “I
shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” We indeed desire to be with the Lord in the place in which His glory dwells. It is the place of joy and the abundance of life where sorrow and tears are no more. It is to this place that we are invited to enter after we have clothed ourselves in virtue and holiness. This is the garment which never wears out nor is subject to decay. This eternal attire is donned by us in humility as we answer the Lord’s invitation to enter into His presence.
Entering into the eternal presence of God is something well worth our pondering every day. Our life is but a moment compared with the eternal future we will have with the Lord. Therefore we should conduct ourselves everyday in a manner of a disciple, which is to be mindful of one another’s well being. In today’s epistle the Apostle Paul thanks the Philippians by saying,
“…it was kind of you to share in my distress.”
This Sunday all the faithful of the Diocese of Paterson are being asked to share in the “distress” of those who are the beneficiaries of the BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL, namely the poor, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, our retired priests, school children and families. By participating in the appeal with faith and generosity we clothe ourselves with the virtues which will one day gain us admittance into the “Banquet of Life.” Let us do so today with joy. Do not put on the rags of selfishness and greed which will cast one out “
into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and the grinding of teeth.”
As we think of the heavenly banquet to which one day we hope to participate, I remind you of the approaching month of November, the month of the faithful departed. Please take note of the All Souls Day envelope which appears in your monthly offering envelope packet. The envelope provides space so that you can write the names of your departed loved ones. These envelopes will remain on the altar during the month of November and these souls will be remembered and prayed for at all the masses during the month. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a powerful help for the departed as they make their way to God. Your Mass offering for the sacrifice is both a sign of faith and love.
I thank you for all the wonderful ways in which you, my dear parishioners, make our church a place of holiness and a house of faith!