Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time as we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day. We come with thanksgiving “
Remember(ing) Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David…”, as today’s second lection reminds us. The gift of Jesus is cause for our joy and gratitude. His suffering, death and Resurrection have won for us salvation. Our faith is also a gift from God which leads us into communion with Him. Faith enables us to move beyond ourselves and into the world of expectation where God is waiting to surprise us with His blessings. Each of us is the recipients of His blessings as we consider that all we have is gift from God. The Lord is the One who endows us with time, talent and treasure so that we might praise Him for His goodness and use them for the building up of His Kingdom on earth.
Remembering God is unfortunately not on everyone’s priority list. Many times in life as we succeed and glean the fruits of blessing we just continue on our merry way forgetting to offer thanks to the ONE who is the source of all goodness. This forgetfulness is the result of selfishness and self-centeredness. In today’s Gospel the Lord Jesus makes note of such an attitude and calls His followers to give thanks because of their faith.
This weekend in all the parishes of the Diocese of Paterson the pastor is charged with delivering the homily at all Masses which will focus on the BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL. Because I will be at Saint Cecilia’s this weekend, you will have “the next best thing,” which is FATHER MARCIN! I know Father Marcin will preach effectively, as he always does, on the thanksgiving which all of us are called to offer to God. This gratitude can be wonderfully present in our participation in this year’s diocesan appeal which will help so many poor, hungry, sick, elderly, disabled and suffering individuals. Although the majority of funds are distributed to the agencies of Catholic Charities; our retired priests, inner city Catholic school children and seminarians also benefit from our generosity.
Yes, next weekend will be PLEDGE COMMITMENT SUNDAY when we will be invited to participate in the appeal which demonstrates our thanksgiving to God by helping those in need. I hope you will participate in the appeal so that we will reach our parish goal as established by the diocese.
I too offer thanksgiving. I would like to express on behalf of all our thanks to a family who wishes to remain anonymous for their contribution of $2,000 to repair the church bell system which has been non functioning since early this summer.
In today’s Gospel Acclamation we sing, “
In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus!”