In our celebration of the Lord’s Day we come to the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The theme of reconciliation and mercy are presented to us in the Scriptural texts for this Sunday. The Gospel Acclamation which is sung for today’s liturgy is: “
God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.” This passage is taken from the Second Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, Chapter 5, Verse 19 in which he reminds us of our duty as ambassadors for peace.
This weekend we and the entire world recall the tragic events which occurred on September 11, 2001. On this day the face of evil had shown itself and destroyed the sense of security which not only Americans but all peoples of the world had felt. Life has not been the same with the rise of global terrorism. The death of thousands of innocent people that day and the days which have followed is cause for great sadness. We join in prayer this weekend with all people of good will that the evil which rests in the hearts of fanatics will be replaced by the goodness which moves one to cry out with the Psalmist, “
A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me.” (Psalm 51:12)
We promote peace through dialogue. Our conversations with one another help to bring about reconciliation where divisions have occurred within families and communities. Being engaged as ministers of reconciliation is what the Lord Jesus is asking of His followers. This ministry is not only difficult at times but it is absolutely crucial for our survival. Most times we would rather inflict punishment upon our enemies rather than show them mercy. But mercy is the divine action which we are called to generously bestow in imitation of the God who has saved us in Christ Jesus, His Only Begotten Son.
Dialogue and healthy conversation is that which helps to build up community. The Parish Council serves as that forum which consults with the pastor regarding matters which pertain to the well being of the parish community. Here at Sacred Heart the finance council has always served a dual purpose of reviewing finances AND discussing parish matters, two councils rolled into one. This system which I inherited has been working fine all these years and I hope will continue for many more to come. The members of our council are the priests, Andy Chop (trustee), Tom Gorman (trustee), Janet Maulback, Greg Weber, Vince Turco, Michele Shaffer, John Napolitano and Jeff Meudt. I am most grateful to these wonderful people for assisting me with their advice and consultation. Our meetings are held monthly and are of great value to me as your pastor.
Today we begin the BISHOP’S ANN UAL A PPE AL. Bob Rovegno has graciously agreed to serve as this year’s parish lay spokesman for the appeal. Jim attended a meeting recently with Bishop Serratelli to hear about the tremendous help the appeal brings to countless people, young and old, whose suffering is eased thanks to our faith and generosity. The agencies of our Catholic Charities Office are the primary beneficiary of the appeal but not the only. The appeal assists seminarians, our retired priests, Catholic schools and others. YOUR P ARTI CIPATION IS CRU CIA L. It’s not the amount that you contribute that is important but rather than you participate in the appeal. There is great success when everyone participates! Your participation in this annual appeal will come with blessings, I am sure! I don’t doubt that you will be able to say with the Apostle Paul, “
I am grateful to Him who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus, our Lord!” (1 Timothy 1:12)
May God bless us in our ministries as we serve Him and one another!
Father Zig