As we assemble to celebrate the Lord’s Day we mark the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel for today the Lord Jesus uses parables to describe the mystery of the Kingdom of God. He speaks of the very tiny mustard seed which springs forth as a large plant which rivals the trees in making accommodation for the birds to come and take refuge. God sees great potential in that which is small or humble by using it for His greater honor and glory. The Lord Jesus instructs His listeners not to dismiss that which appears to be useless, for God uses such persons and things to be great. The building up of the Kingdom of God is a mystery which occurs as a result of those who avail themselves to God’s grace and cooperate with the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Last Sunday’s “parish picnic” was a great success! I use parenthesis for parish picnic due to the fact that the weather caused us to cancel our outdoor event at the Firemen’s Field. The decision was made not to postpone the picnic to our rain date of June 24th but rather to just meet in Hayes Hall after the 12:15 PM Mass for lunch. That was a good decision!! Hayes Hall was filled to capacity with people from both our parishes. Everyone ate the food which the ladies of the parish prepared the day before. There was a great deal of good fellowship which took place among both adults and children. I know that I could feel the happiness and contentment within the room. All who were there will agree with me that we had a great time. I told those who assist me in planning this yearly event that we will follow this procedure from now on. We will set the date for the picnic and if it rains we will move the event to Hayes Hall of Saint Cecilia Church – all agreed that this is the way to go.
What I am so grateful for is the wonderful spirit which was present among our people. It showed that we are a true family, united by our faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Opportunities like last Sunday’s parish picnic help to build up and strengthen our ties as belonging to the “household of the faith.” We need to support and participate in even more activities which allow us to come together to share our faith and our love for one another. Wonderful blessings came forth from a rain day. God really can take something that looks like a difficulty and change it into a great surprise. I sing with great joy the words of today’s Responsorial Psalm: LORD, IT IS GOOD TO GIVE THANKS TO YOU!