Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter as we honor the Lord’s Day. The Scriptural texts which are proclaimed to us witness to the Resurrection faith of the first followers of Jesus. The Lord’s closest collaborators, the Apostles, were the eyewitnesses to the signs performed by the Lord Jesus during His ministry. Likewise, they observed the Lord’s great suffering and His death upon the cross. But their sorrow was soon turned to joy when they encountered the Risen Christ triumphant from the grave. The post Resurrection appearances to the Apostles strengthened their faith and, empowered by the Holy Spirit, commissioned them to travel the world proclaiming that Jesus is Lord.
Although he started out weak, Peter emerges as the chosen one who leads the Apostles in continuing the ministry of Jesus. Peter will become a mentor to his brothers and the shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. The first lection from Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel pericope for this Sunday show us just that. Peter the Rock will become the standard by which all his successors will be measured. The Apostle Peter leads us to Easter faith and our encounter with the Risen Lord.
Our Catholic fraternal, the Knights of Columbus, is of great assistance to the Church Universal and local. I am most grateful to the Our Lady of the Lakes Council 3359 for the wonderful work they have accomplished for our parish in these recent days. As you know, the rectory basement had served as the location of our pre-school until it was transferred a couple of years ago to the school campus across the street. At my request, the Knights of Columbus did some minor repairs and painted the rooms of the rectory basement. The basement looks wonderful! I hope to be using the space for parish meetings and faith formation gatherings. All that is needed is some furniture and a few odds and ends. SHOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION, OF WHATEVER AMOUNT, TO HELP US IN THIS ENDEAVOR, PLEASE CONTACT ME. Since we are uncertain regarding the future use of our school building, such a space as the rectory basement becomes very much needed for parish gatherings .AGAIN AND AGAIN, THANK YOU KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS!!!
I know that all of you join with me in expressing sincere sympathy to Sister Marie on the passing of her father, blessed memory Salvatore DiLorenzo , Sister’s father entered eternal life during Holy Week at the age of 97. Please keep Sister and her family in your prayers as we look to the Lord Jesus who is risen from the dead, conquering death by death, and giving life to those who are in the tombs.
Many thanks to Erin Killeen for planting Easter flowers at the church entrance; to Marie Byrne for looking after the altar server robes, the Thursday evening cleaning crew which “tidys up” our church for the weekend masses, as well as Andy Chop and Greg Weber who assist me with many concerns around the parish. God bless you all!