JOY is the word we hear as we come together to celebrate the Lord’s Day on this the Third Sunday of Advent, also known as “Gaudete Sunday.” “Gaudete” is the Latin word for rejoice and this is the word which resounds over and over again in the liturgy for this day. The ordo states: Gaudete (rejoice), taken from the Latin translation of the Letter to the Philippians 4:4-5, sets a tone of joyful expectation for the Lord’s birth and Second Coming, as does the permitted used of rose-colored vestments. In the first lection for today we read from the Book of the Prophet Zephaniah, “The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, he will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.” Yes, God is in our midst in the person of His Only Begotten Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Sacramentally He is present in the Most Holy Eucharist. Differently, He is present in His word (scriptures) and in the faces we see each day.
What brings much joy to me and other clergy are the smiling faces of our children who accompany their parents to Holy Communion at Mass. Our precious little ones are the joy of our parish family. I would like to take this opportunity to ask parents to prepare their children to receive a blessing from the priest or deacon when they come up with the adult. Children who have not yet received First Holy Communion and who are able, should be instructed by their parents to stand with their hands crossed over their chest to receive a blessing. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY THE PRIEST OR DEACON CAN GIVE A BLESSING WITH THE SIGN OF THE CROSS AND IS NEVER DONE BY A LAY MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION. Parents should speak to their children and tell them that they too will be receiving something very special as they accompany them on the communion line, a blessing from the Lord. Modeling for children that “the Lord is in our midst” will show little ones how they should conduct themselves. I encourage our parents to have perseverance in bringing the children to Holy Mass. This practice will show them from a very early age that the Lord’s Day is special and it is made holy by our celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. So I encourage you again, my dear parents, keep talking to your children about the holiness of the Lord’s Day, the house of God, the Mass and the sacraments. In doing this you bring JOY to the Lord of Hosts!
What brings joy to your pastor’s heart is the generosity which comes from so many of the good people of our parish. I only had the request for one week in the bulletin and immediately donors came forth for the holy water reservoir and the holy year banner. I am most grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dimarcantonio for their donation of the holy water reservoir. The reservoir is used to contain holy water and is normally positioned at the entrance of the church. Also, my thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zayac for their donation of the holy year banner which is positioned in the sanctuary and will remain there until the close of the holy year on November 19, 2015.
Speaking of generosity, a number of parishioners have informed me that they will be increasing their Sunday offerings to the parish as a result of my FINANCE PRESENTATION given on the last weekend of November. I am most grateful for that and I pray everyone will be able to do the same. Yes, the Lord is in our midst and is found in those who are willing to be selfless and gracious.