We commemorate the Lord’s Day with the Solemnity of Pentecost. Today is the 50th and final day of Easter when we recall the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus who were gathered in the Upper Room. The Evangelist Luke tells us in Acts of the Apostles that it was at 9 o’clock in the morning when
“…suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.”
With this magnificent manifestation came the ability to proclaim the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the Good News of salvation. Pentecost Sunday morning was the “flash point” from which came forth the courage and conviction to bring the Gospel to all peoples. Again, in Acts of the Apostles, Saint Luke speaks of the variety of peoples who were gathered in Jerusalem on that day and who received the Gospel as a result of the witness given by the Apostles.
The wonder of Pentecost is made present each time the sacrament of confirmation is celebrated. Just as on that 50th day of Easter, so too at confirmation we are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit enabling us to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. When filled with faith and open to the Holy Spirit we, like the Apostles, can witness to the Lord Jesus with miraculous happenings. But are we attuned to receiving these gifts or are we just disinterested? The sacrament of Confirmation should be the most anticipated event in the life of a Christian. It is when Almighty God Himself showers us with heavenly gifts to strengthen us and equip us for service in His Name. How sad when the sacrament of confirmation becomes only “ a hoop to jump through” to finish which many think is the end of their religious education. Faith formation is a life- long process, we stop being students and learning the faith when we die!
Tomorrow we enter into Ordinary Time. Tomorrow also is the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church. This is newly added to the liturgical calendar by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. This is the first year for this celebration which will be commemorated every year on the Monday following Pentecost Sunday. The Holy Father wrote:“
With the Holy Spirit, Mary is always present in the midst of the people. She joined the disciples in praying the for coming of the Holy Spirit and thus made possible the missionary outburst which took place at Pentecost, She is the Mother of the Church which evangelizes, and without her we could never truly understand the spirit of the new evangelization.” This new evangelization is a work must all partake in. We are called to proclaim the Gospel by our very words and actions so that others may be able to see the Lord truly present in our activities. Our faithful witness can change the world for good but it takes cooperation with God. Like the Blessed Virgin Mary we must say YES to God and welcome the Holy Spirit into our life.