As we gather on “the first day of the week” to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we mark the Second Sunday of Advent. The Gospel Acclamation which we sing at the liturgy is “
Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” These words taken from the prophet Isaiah set the theme for the season of Advent as they encourage us to prepare for the two-fold coming of the Lord, at the end of the age and at the Feast of the Nativity. The prophet invites us to ready ourselves to meet the Lord by eliminating all that stands in the way of this encounter. By removing the obstacles which hinder us from meeting the Lord, we will join all the holy ones in rejoicing in the salvation which has been won for us by God’s Only Begotten Son. Advent is the time for us to begin this work of eliminating from our lives all that hinders us from meeting our Lord.
Due to the consumerism and secularization of our society, this time of the year could be very stressful, demanding and chaotic. I invite you to experience some peace by coming to HOLY HOUR on Monday evenings from 7 to 8 o’clock. Coming before Our Lord Jesus Christ present in the Most Blessed Sacrament will allow you to speak with Him, spend time with Him and be strengthened by Him. You need to experience this time of solitude so that the busyness of these days will not overwhelm you. I assure you that this hour can provide you with the peace which is needed to calm our troubled hearts. Please take my invitation seriously and know that I am speaking to YOU!
Next Sunday a second collection will be taken to assist our retired religious sisters, brothers and priests. Almost all of our elderly religious staffed our Catholic schools, hospitals and other institutions without receiving any stipend. As they had given their lives in service to the Church it is now our responsibility to take care of them in their old age. With the cost of medical care, prescriptions, and other costs associated with the elderly we now must be generous and not abandon them.
Also next Sunday we will do something which is done yearly at the Vatican. Every year on the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) the Holy Father blesses statues of the Baby Jesus which will be placed in the Nativity scene at home. The children of Rome especially look forward to this event knowing that their statue of the Baby Jesus is blessed and will be the showpiece of their home Christmas decorations. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO BRING THEIR STATUE OF THE BABY JESUS TO CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY TO BE BLESSED BY THE PRIEST. I hope this Roman custom will become a Rockaway custom which will bring “holiness” into the home for the holydays.