Prayer Service for The Blessing of the Home at Epiphany
The family gathers in the main room of the house. The father (or mother) of the family begins by inviting everyone to make the sign of the Cross
Leader: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Response: Amen
Leader: During these days of the Christmas season, we keep this feast of Epiphany, celebrating the manifestation of Christ to the magi, to John the Baptist in the River Jordan, and to the disciples at the wedding in Cana. Today Christ is manifest to us! Today this home is a holy place!
Leader: Let us pray: Lord our God, bless this household. May we be blessed with health, goodness of heart, gentle-ness, and the keeping of your Law. We ask in the Name of Jesus who is Lord forever and ever.
Response: Amen
Our Father… Hail Mary…
Without words the leader sprinkles those present and the house with holy water. The leader takes the blessed chalk and writes the following inscription on the top door post of the main door of the house, K+M+B+2019. The inscription reminds us of the initials of the Magi (Kasper, Melchior and Balthasar). The three crosses represent the Blessed Trinity. The numbers are the current year of grace.