As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day we come to the 50th and final day of Easter, the Solemnity of Pentecost. It was on this day and at 9 o’clock in the morning that the Evangelist Luke tells us in Acts of the Apostles that the Holy Spirit was sent to the Apostles and disciples of Jesus gathered around the Mother of God in the upper room. God the Holy Spirit filled them with His power so that they could proclaim to the entire world that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! This little band of followers grew to be larger than the Roman Empire which persecuted it. The courage and enthusiasm which filled the hearts of Jesus’ disciples propelled them into a culture in which they were not afraid to witness to their faith. Their determination to live according to Gospel values and to reject secular ways is indeed an inspiration to us all as we reflect upon our lives today.
Throughout the Easter season we were reading from Acts of the Apostles at all of our liturgies, even at funerals. In these lections we heard of the challenges and sufferings the early Christians had to endure because of their faith. These readings reminded us that the Holy Spirit was continually with the Church in overcoming difficulties and fighting against evil. Acts reminded us that strengthened by the “breaking of the bread” at their Sunday gatherings, the followers of Jesus were strengthened in their works of service.
The Holy Spirit continues to animate the Church by filling the hearts of believers with Easter faith. We pray today that we will open our hearts anew on this Pentecost Sunday so that the Holy Spirit may fill us with His gifts. Empowered with these gifts we too, like the early Christians, can distinguish ourselves as followers of the Risen One who has called us from death to life. We are called to live differently from the secular culture in which we find ourselves. Only the strength which comes from the Holy Spirit will make us successful in these efforts and so we pray, COME HOLY SPIRIT, FILL THE HEARTS OF THE FAITHFUL!
With the conclusion of the Easter season today at sundown, the Paschal candle returns to its position near the baptismal font, Ordinary Time begins and green is the liturgical color for this season which concludes with the First Sunday of Advent, November 27th.
Congratulations to Harry Lusardi from Saint Cecilia Parish and Michele Shaffer from Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish who will be presented with the VIVERE CHRISTUS EST AWARD by Bishop Serratelli this afternoon at Saint Philip the Apostle Church in Clifton for their dedicated service to the Church!