Today we begin the last week of our current liturgical year. Next Sunday the Advent season and a new liturgical year will begin. The Gospel chosen for this feast of Christ the King is a very solemn reading. It is a reading from the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Jesus did not come to earth to seek the power and influence. Rather he preached God’s word, healed the sick and reached out to the poor, the lame and the outcasts of society.
Today may be a good day to ask ourselves: How am I following in Jesus? How do I reach out to the poor, the lame or the people who are on the margins of society? Do I strive to be a servant to the people in my life? Do I work to create peace and harmony?
Perhaps the most challenging words in this Gospel are the last words of this reading: “
Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Let’s take a few moments and ask ourselves: How do I strive to listen to voice of Jesus? Today make time to sit down and listen to Jesus’ voice! He will speak to you! The question for us is: Will we be listening?