In our celebration of the Lord’s Day we commemorate this Third Sunday of Advent which is known as GAUDETE SUNDAY. In the 2018 Ordo we find, “…
Gaudete Sunday, so called from the first word of the antiphon at the Introit. Gaudete (meaning “rejoice” in Latin), taken from the Latin translation of Philippians 4: 4-5, sets a tone of joyful expectation for the Lord’s birth and Second Coming, as does the permitted use of rose colored vestments.”
Yes, REJOICE is the word for the day. Rejoicing is what we should do every day as we recall the great love God has shown us in sending His Only Begotten Son to save us from our sins. Our sins are nothing to rejoice in. They bring us unease, despair, and lead us into the dark places in which we do not belong. Sin clutters our heart with selfishness and indifference allowing room only for the devil. What a dreadful condition to be in at Christmas or anytime of the year.
We can rejoice that we have an opportunity to “
clean house for Christmas” by coming to confession on Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock (Saint Cecilia’s). I have invited a number of priests to be with us so that there will be no long wait as we come in repentance seeking the forgiveness of our sins. With the absolution of our sins by the priest the home of our hearts will be properly prepared to receive the Divine Savior in the Eucharist at the Christmas celebration. The forgiveness of our sins will restore our peace and provide us with a new start to live a holy life – THAT’S SOMETHING TO REJOICE IN!
I invite you to be present on Tuesday evening for confession. I remind parents of their responsibility to direct their children to the sacrament and to come to confession as well. This model builds holiness and love within families which our secular culture is trying to destroy.
This will be a very busy week for all of us as we prepare our homes and ourselves for Christmas. Remember to take some time each day for prayer so that you may not become anxious nor stressed. Next Sunday we commemorate the Lord’s Day with the Fourth Sunday of Advent. In the afternoon we will begin our celebration of Our Lord’s Holy Nativity with the scheduled Masses as well as on Monday. As I wrote last Sunday and I state it again, NO CHEATING, we are obliged to attend Holy Mass twice, once for Sunday and the other for Christmas!
I am happy that Deacon Matt is home from the seminary for Christmas vacation and that he will be here until mid January. By the way, WEDNESDAY IS DEACON MATT’S B IRT HDAY. We pray the Lord will richly bless him as he makes his way to priestly ordination in May. STO LAT!!