HAPPY NEW YEAR! As we gather to celebrate the Lord’s Day we also welcome the new liturgical year of 2017. Today is the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new year of grace. With the New Year we also turn to Cycle A of the Lectionary from which we will draw our Scripture readings for the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. Cycle A focuses upon the Gospel of Saint Matthew and it is from there that we hear the Lord Jesus today speak about being prepared. The season of Advent is one of preparation for the coming of the Lord in His second coming, as well as our preparation for the celebration of Christmas, the feast of His first coming among us.
Beginning something new is always exciting. The beginning of this New Year must also be seen by us as a time to awaken ourselves to the presence of the Lord who comes to save us. In today’s second reading from the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Romans we read: “…
It is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at hand.” Advent is the time to begin anew our efforts to conduct ourselves as disciples of Christ. This year’s reading of the Gospel of Matthew, which has been called by scripture scholars the “manual of discipleship,” will remind us of our calling and its demands. Renewing our commitment to discipleship in this Advent season can bring excitement and joy to those who look for the coming of the Lord.
In the 25th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel the Lord Jesus describes the criterion for discipleship and salvation, caring for those in need. In this time of Advent we will be asked to participate in the annual ADVENT TREE PROJECT which provides Christmas gifts to the less fortunate in our community. I invite you to show a generous and loving heart by taking a tag from the tree located in the church and purchasing the gift which is requested. Please return the gift by the deadline date so that we might bring the gifts to the agencies which have requested our support for the needy. Your cooperation in the past has been a wonderful sign of charity in the spirit of the Gospel.
Blessed memory, Father Jean Claude St. Martin is remembered by all of us at Sacred Heart and Saint Cecilia parishes with love. I welcome to Saint Cecilia Church this weekend his brother, Father Jonas St. Martin, who is visiting us in Rockaway to invite us to participate in the foundation which will honor Father Jean Claude and help those in need living in his native land of Haiti. I know that you will want to support his effort.
I know that you join with me in looking forward to this New Year of Grace, a new start with renewed hope!