The Human Life Action Center invites you to advocate for good federal laws that defend life and liberty. Human Life Action is a service of NCHLA, which was founded in 1974 by the United States Bishops and works to support the Pro-Life legislative agenda of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Human Life Action tracks federal legislation and then sends out calls to action that go directly to your e-mail inbox.
You can be made aware of federal legislative action by going to and clicking on Sign Up. Human Life Action alerts people, when action is needed, to contact Congress and advocate for Pro-Life policy in federal law. With a quick click you can become informed about an issue and send a message to your elected officials in Washington urging them to support laws that protect life and religious liberty. They make it easy for you, by matching you with your elected officials and preparing email messages that you can personalize and send. It’s that easy! The impact of your voice, when joined with so many others from across the nation, will be enormous.
Please take a moment to sign up for action alerts. It will not require much time from you. Kindly don’t miss another opportunity to be a voice for the voiceless. We never sell or share your contact information. Thank you for considering this very meaningful endeavor. National Committee for a Human Life + PO Box 34116 Washington, D.C. 20043 + 202-393-0703 + + Twitter: @nchla