Today is the Lord’s Day and the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. With the close of both Saint Cecilia School and Sacred Heart of Jesus School the summer vacation season has begun in Rockaway. This is the time of year when not only children but even adults get to slow down a bit and take some time off to enjoy this beautiful season.
This summer will be a bit more challenging for me due to the important task of bringing DIVINE MERCY ACADEMY into existence. It has been a rough couple of months since the announcement of the merger of our two schools, but because of God’s grace, we have passed over to a new place where it is now time to bring to life our new school which is surrounded with a great deal of enthusiasm. There is a lot of work to be done over the summer months to get the former Saint Cecilia School ready to welcome the 285 students in September. In consultation with my advisors I have contracted that the work begin this week in transforming some of the areas of the second floor to accommodate the number of children. Classrooms will be addressed along with the faculty room and an additional bathroom. Some work will also be done to the first floor multi-purpose room, as well as some other upgrades.
The summer months will be a time for construction, painting, cleaning and rearranging so that Divine Mercy Academy be ready for the Blessing of the Building and Reception which is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7
th . The first day of school will be Thursday, September 8
th . His Excellency, Bishop Arthur Serratelli will Celebrate the Holy Mass and visit our new school on Tuesday, September 20th. Additional information regarding all of these events will be published in the coming weeks.
In today’s Gospel the Lord Jesus invites His disciples to follow Him. Doing so will require faith and commitment on the behalf of His disciples. Any reconsideration by them or hesitancy to follow will not aid in the success which the Kingdom of God will bring to fruition. Determination and commitment are absolutely necessary. This attitude is especially needed when we undertake those noble efforts which build up the Kingdom of God in our midst. Strong faith is important so that fear can be overcome. “
No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”
There’s a lot of work to be done this summer and I pray that the Good Lord will give me the strength to keep my hand steady on the plow as I keep my gaze of Him.